Minä -Paula Mirjami Malleus-Lemettinen aka Paula "PALE" Malleus kouluttaja, kehittäjä, visionääri ja toimeenpanija
TIUKKAA UPCYCLING-OSAAMISTA 17 VUODEN KOKEMUKSELLA! 28 vuotta tekstiili- ja muotialalla tekevät minusta tosi ammattilaisen, olen tästä viimeiset 17 vuotta toiminut edelläkävijäyrittäjänä UPCYCLINGIN parissa. Liiktoiminnan kenttä sen kaikkine puolineen ja kommervenkkeineen on tässä ajassa tullut koluttua monella tapaa ja monesta kuopasta olen firman pelastanut ylitse.
Varsinaisesti olen koulutukseltani olen Ompelija - ja mallimestari. Olen perustanut Suomen ensmmäisen postconsumer uusiotuotantoon erikoistuneen eko-ompelimon Remake Ekodesignin ja johtanut sitä aina vuodesta 2007 saakka. Olen tässä viimeisien vuosien aikana tehnyt lähes 100 opintopisteen edestä ammattikorkean erislaisia kursseja mm. opettamiseen, opetuksen digitaaliseen kehittämiseen, liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen ja johtamiseen liittyen.
Työni on painottunut voimakkaasti asiantuntijuuteen ja oman osaamiseni jakamiseen eteenpäin opettamisen muodossa, jota teen osa-aikaisesti muun kehitys- ja alan edistämis-työn ohessa.
Tällä hetkellä lopettelen kahden ja puolen vuoden aktiivista kehittämis-projekti työtä KEUDALLA (keski-uudenmaan kojuutuskuntayhtymä). Tulevaisuudessa haluan nähdä itseni aktiivisessa roolissa jonkin mielenkiintoisen yrityksen toimessa, jossa voin laittaa kaiken osaamiseni ja kokemukseni likoon ilman yrittäjyyden mukana tuomaa epävarmuutta.
United Nations COP28 konferenssi valitsi 50 aktivistia ympäri Planeetan ja kas! Olen yksi heistä!
🌟 Paula Malleus-Lemettinen: A Visionary in Sustainable Fashion🌟 Are you ready to meet a true pioneer in Finland's textile and fashion industry? Paula Malleus-Lemettinen has dedicated over 15 years to shaping the future of sustainability, ecology, and climate consciousness in this dynamic sector.
🌿Impactful Leadership: Paula has been instrumental in advancing sustainability practices. She's designed curriculum components and conducted industry-focused education, nurturing a new generation of informed professionals. Her influence extends beyond the classroom, as she actively shapes eco-conscious small-scale businesses, influences policy decisions, and creates cutting-edge business concepts.
🪡 Remake Ekodesign Eco-Studio: Paula's brainchild is revolutionizing product lifecycles by providing innovative B2C and B2B services. It reduces textile waste, educates consumers about product lifecycles, and has crafted thousands of upcycled items. It's a training ground for new talent in upcycling and circular economy practices, guiding them towards entrepreneurial success.
👕 MEM Upcycled Collection: Paula's venture explores post-consumer textile upcycling on an industrial scale. It tests various ways to repurpose surplus materials, studies garment reuse properties, and employs design to transform materials effectively. The MIPS calculation reveals significant resource savings. It paves the way for sustainable fashion production.
📚 Remake Upcycling Studio & collective: Paula doesn't stop at practical work. She shares her knowledge through written content, like the book "UPCYCLING vaatteiden toinen elämä" (ISBN 9789523793767). She's digitizing upcycling and circular economy education and creating engaging materials for a new era of learning.
🌟 Innovation Beyond Boundaries: Paula's initiatives have been groundbreaking. She's fearlessly funded and developed novel projects that have no precedent. Her transformation of the sewing industry is unparalleled, and her books are global firsts in their category.
🌍 Scalability and Potential: These initiatives can easily be replicated globally. The translation of her first upcycling book into English is underway, and digitalization and gamification of teaching methods are enhancing scalability.
🤝 Meaningful Impact: Paula's work offers fresh opportunities to the textile and fashion micro-business sector. Her concepts can scale up to industrial proportions with the right funding. Beyond business, Paula inspires and teaches, significantly reducing textile waste and fostering a mindset shift.
🌊 Environmental Significance: Paula's MEM post-consumer collections alone have the potential to save nearly 1.5 million liters of fresh water, assuming each of the 78 items is produced just once. Paula Malleus-Lemettinen is not just a name; she's a force for positive change in the textile and fashion industry. Join her journey towards a sustainable, eco-friendly, and innovative future.
🌟 Innovation Beyond Boundaries: Paula's initiatives have been groundbreaking. She's fearlessly funded and developed novel projects that have no precedent. Her transformation of the sewing industry is unparalleled, and her books are global firsts in their category.
🌍 Scalability and Potential: These initiatives can easily be replicated globally. The translation of her first upcycling book into English is underway, and digitalization and gamification of teaching methods are enhancing scalability.
🤝 Meaningful Impact: Paula's work offers fresh opportunities to the textile and fashion micro-business sector. Her concepts can scale up to industrial proportions with the right funding. Beyond business, Paula inspires and teaches, significantly reducing textile waste and fostering a mindset shift.